
Obrázek uživatele Owlicious


Série Safehold je jeden z počinů Davida Webera (autora série Honor Harrington). Pojednává o osudu světa, který vznikl jako poslední naděje lidstva na přežití po prohrané válce s mimozemskou rasou Gbaba. Velitelé expedice Safehold se rozhodli navždy vyloučit možnost nového setkání s touto mimozemskou rasou tím, že svou "novou planetu" nechají ustrnout v předindustriální době. Dosáhli toho tím, že vymazali kolonistům paměť a indoktrinovali je nově vytvořeným náboženstvím.
Jenže někteří z personálu expedice nesdíleli vizi velitelů - a tak na Safeholdu ukryli androida (tzv. PICA) se vzpomínkami mladé ženy, Nimue Alban. Ta má vést lidstvo ke znovuobjevení technologií. Jenže, protože Safehold je světem mužů, PICA změní svůj vzhled a představí se pokrokovému království Charis jako Merlin Athrawes - cestující "seijin" - tedy jakýsi poustevník s nadpřirozenými schopnostmi.
A tak když na zmíněné království pošlou nejvyšší představitelé církve Očekávajícího Boha útočnou vlnu, čeká je díky Merlinovi velmi nepříjemné překvapení...

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious



Hundreds of ships, fully equipped.
Thousands of guns and other weapons.
Tens of thousands of bullets and various amunition.
Hundreds of thousands of tons of food, fodder and other supplies.
Millions of men, women, children.
Uncounted - and uncountable - number of miles saled, pulled, dragged, marched and walked.
Hektolitres of innocent blood spilled.
One man with a vision.
One church in need of reformation.
One realm trampled under the feet of soldiers.
One Empire on the rise.
One world in a terrible war.
One story waiting to be told.
One enemy waiting to be rediscovered.
Were all the sacrifices worth it?

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Not an option


The Glacierheart province was never an easy place to live in. The mountains containted treasures, but to claim them from their grasp was tough. The coalminers and their families survived from day to day, from month to mont. Yet, most of them were happy, strong-hearted and devoted people.
The winter after the 'Sword of Schueler' decimated Siddamark, most of the people of Glacierheart suffered famine far worse than anything they could imagine. Hundreds of them lost their lives. But those who remained were still prepared to stand against the Army of God. To fight for the land of their fathers.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious



There were many beautiful, sweet smelling flowers on Safehold, no doubt about that. But it was extremely difficult to import alien species from Old Earth and help them live and flourish in the Safeholdian environment. Of course, the task being time sensitive, the main focus of the terraforming teams was on all of those plant and animal species which had a real practical use and could play a huge role in the survival of the humankind on its new planet.
Pei Shan-wei sighed over a list of various seeds in their storage facilities.
"The rose are still not catching well..."

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Writing to you

Úvodní poznámka: 

Nahrazovane tema: Pisu Vam


Adoree Bedard carefully saved and backed up the document she has been working on and sent a copy of it to Eric Langhorne. Their common brainchild - the Church of God - needed a solid, reliable base for belief. And Adoree took it upon herself to provide it. She just finished the draft of the Holy Writ. It contained everything important - from hygenic and health directions, over basic agricultural technology, all the way to baseball rules. All wrapped tastefully up in citations plagiarized from Bible.

"This is the Word of God,as we - Archangels - are writing it to you - His Children."

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

...let God sort them out


Merlin, like most of the inner circle, saw what went on in the 'concentration camps' the Inquisition got into the habit of building. He witnessed several of his friends being subjected to the Question and to the full rigor or the Punishment of Schueler. Any of that alone would have been a very, very sickening experience. All of it together left such an aftertaste, he could no longer bring himself to feel anything but grim satisfaction at every Inquisitor executed by Charisians. What scared him was that he wished upon them something far worse than a simple beheading or hanging.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Blanket Fortress


Princess Irys Daykyn ran through the palace, looking for her younger brother. The banquet and ball was about to commence in half an hour, but the Prince, in whose honor the whole shindig was to be held and who was supposed to open the ceremonies, was missing. She almost ran headlong into Hektor.
"Have you found him yet?" she asked almost desperately.
"No, but I haven't looked into his chambers. Let's go there."
They headed to Daivyn's bedroom. Daivyn sat under something resembling a tent made of duvets.
"Seijin Merlin told me to do this when I'm nervous," he explained.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Fish out of the water


When he was hunting, most of the creatures were not fast, agile or smart to escape if he set on getting them. Younger krakens of his school worshipped him, calling him immortal.
He decided to do what no kraken has ever done - hunt a sea wywern. He waited until one came close to the surface and attacked.
It escaped, but parked itself short distance away. He jumped and missed again.
Provoked, he tried once more.
His fourth jump ended on a quay - out of the water.
The wywern flew away cackling.
Desperately gulping for breath, he learned he is mortal...

Závěrečná poznámka: 

'school' v tomto kontextu znamená hejno ryb

Poučení: Nemachruj, když nemáš křídla ;)

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

First Contact


It all started when the Gbaba found the first human colony. It wasn't particularly big, therefore its destruction was swift. Before the rest of mankind found out what happened, several other colonies fell prey to the aliens.
Terran Federation started to organize defense, mobilize its fleets, build and man more ships. Eventhough humankind began to gain technological and tactical edge quite quickly, the enemy had too pronounced numerical advantage. Gbaba were also very skilled at finding out and destroying evacuation and colonization fleets.
The Safehold plan was a last ditch effort, after the Gbaba completed their invasion of Sol system...

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Two Cities


Zion was a real gem in the Archangels' crown. Anybody who was fortunate enough to get into the city could not argue with that statement. The Temple was amazing - a true work of the archangels themselves, with all of its 'magical' properties.
For all that, however, Zion and the Temple were a place of corruption and evil.

Tellesberg was not that majestic - it was a city of merchants and workers, a city of sailors and fishmongers. Built only and solely by the hands of men. Its Cathedral was beautiful, but not magical. Yet it was the truer House of God.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Hidden in plain sight


Ahnzhelyk Phonda owned the most luxurious, high profile public houses in the city of Zion. She was definitely not the youngest, but she still had her charm and elegance - both more than abounding, for that matter. When the situation started to be too hot even for her liking, Ahnzhelyk simply disappeared.
And couple weeks later, Aivah Parsahn appeared, as a new and fresh wind to the high society of Siddar City.
Only a few people would link these two together. And almost noone would connect any of them all the way back to Nynyan Rychtair - bastard daughter of a Vicar.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

The Three Things


The world was changing, and nothing could stay the same.
Archbishop Michael Stainair, the head of the 'heretical and apostate' Church of Charis stood in the Tellesberg Cathedral, looking at the magnificent stained windows.
For some, he was the catalyst of all the changes.
But, for those who knew him, he was something like the eye of the storm.
Because in the world full of turmoil, he - by everything he was and did - showed everyone that even during these trials something prevails.
Three things - an echo from a different planet, a distant past - stay unchanged forever: Faith, Hope and Love.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Unlocking eternity

Úvodní poznámka: 

Nahrazované téma: Zámečník


It was a delicate job. Changing a PICA's safety protocol, programmed to shut any given PICA down after maximum of ten days of use, to allow it continued operation for weeks, or even years at a time required all the expertise, cunning and creativity the engineer could muster.
He succeeded at last. He turned Nimue Alban's PICA into a machine unlocking unforseen possibilities - even a kind of immortality.
But as with everything new and unforseen, there was a price to be paid.
"By unlocking the safety protocol, I've had to deactivate the high-speed data interface," the engineer told his friends.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Divided loyalties


When Nimue Alban's PICA woke up after thousand year sleep in the Mountains of Light and listened to the history of Col. Pei, it all seemed fairly simple. Not easy, perhaps, but straightforward. The firm grip of the church of God Awaiting needed to be broken. If war was a necessity, so be it.
When Merlin Athrawes threw his lot in with that of Charis, it became far more complicated to view the death of people he came to care about as just 'collateral damage'. But even pain and loss couldn't push his mission's objective aside. Mankind was at stake.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Fleet encounter


Broadside after broadside resounded over the Bay like a rolling thunder. Two fleets of galleons were doing their best to reduce each other into splinters. Some of the huge majestic ships were locked together in a deadly embrace, crawling with boarding parties and defenders, their boards slick with blood.
HMS Kraken of the Royal Charisian navy fell somewhat behind her consorts during their long journey, which meant she was only now closing in to join the action. Her crew was trying to keep her out of the general mellee. A lone lucky cannonball flew into the main mast, breaking it.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Of guns and carriages


"Mounted like this, it takes too much effort to pull the gun of this size back in enough to reload. Therefore the process is slow and cumbersome," young Mahndrayn explained to his audience, sketching on the slate-covered wall of the office. "Now with the new mount we are proposing, the friction caused when the gun moves backwards after firing should be much lower. Therefore the gun will slide right back to where we need it for reloading almost automatically."
Merlin stood in corner, smiling. This was exactly the kind of creative, inventive thinking he hoped to rekindle in Safehold's population.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

BJB, ale do tématu se snad vejde.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Not Dead


Dear Gbaba,

I know after our last encounter you counted me out of the game. You won, you destroyed my homeworld and my fleets. And there are no more bothersome emissions from advanced technology. Your universe is peaceful and empty again.
But you are wrong. You failed. Sure, our paths probably won't be crossing anytime soon, but I have an advantage - I know you're out there. Next time we cross swords, it will be on my terms. I am as far from dead and done for as I can be.

And I will destroy you, I promise.

Sincerely yours,


Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

How it all began


Vicars Trynair, Maigwair, Duchairn and Clyntahn - otherwise known as the Group of Four - sat around the table in Duchairn's chambers, discussing all the usual matters necessary to run the Church of God Awaiting. It seemed that the Church's influence in Charis have been steadily weakening, even more so since the incident of Church's manipulation of the succession dispute over one of the aristocratic titles of the realm.
"Those charisian mark-pinchers and inovators are courting Shan-wei with their inventions," Vicar Clyntahn stressed most emphatically. "I say we build a joint, unstoppable fleet and take care of them once and for all..."

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious



"Well, this is the enemy line. And here..." a hand reached out, indicating several flags crowded on the map, " our artillery."
"So I'm thinking, we use the artillery to engage the enemy and keep them busy, while our riflemen move into a flanking position over here. And I want the scout snipers and several skirmisher groups up on that hill over there. That way, we'll get the enemy into a crossfire he won't be able to withdraw from."
Prince Zhan Ahrmahk looked over his precisely ordered ranks of tin soldiers. He will be a great military commander one day...

Závěrečná poznámka: 

(Klepeta jsou v tomto případě vojenský manévr...)

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

The Truth


After the last argument Langhorne chose to end this one and for all. One kinetic strike (or 'Rakurai', as he was fond to call it) later, Alexandria Enclave was turned into the Armageddon Reef. Pei Shan-wei and all her blasphemous ideas were destroyed. At least that was what Langhorne thought.

The craters on that barren land were the most visible and widely known reminder of what happened, but not the only one. The journal of St. Zherneau survived hidden, to reveal the truth. Nimue's PICA waited almost a millenium to start reviving in humankind the impressions of things long past.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Midnight musing


Merlin Athrawes sat in his recon skimmer, just outside Safehold's atmosphere. From above here the planet looked peaceful, gleaming with green and blue, streaked with white clouds. He let himself enjoy a few more moments of the view before heading back.
The Jihad was coming. Few people knew about it right now, but it was boiling just under the surface.
The Empire of Charis looked impossibly tiny compared to the mainland realms - to the wealth and manpower of the Temple.
David against Goliath.
If only Merlin could be sure this 'Holy' war turns out like that old Bible story did...

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Trouble with real-time communication


"I have to go or the Royal Council shall dispatch a search party for me... and even Edwyrd won't be able to stop them..." Sharleyan sighed, blowing one last kiss to her husband over the comm link.
Emperor Cayled pouted back at her from thousand miles away: "Fine, go... show them who truly rules the Empire."
"I'm glad you're aware of that," she grinned at him. "I'll talk to you again at noon."
"I love you," he said and the comm link went dead.
Almost immediately after that he realized he doesn't know if she meant his noon or hers.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Young lovers


Hektor sat on his bunk in HMS Destiny, listening to the heavy breathing of his mates. He couldn't help but think about his fiancée, Princess Irys, sleeping just a few cabins away. He was on duty whole afternoon, and when he finally got off, she's already retired into her cabin under the sharp eyes of Lady Mairah Breygart, her chaperone.
It didn't take long for him to decide to sneak into Irys's cabin for a goodnight kiss. The whole ship was creaking and heaving against the waves. But even those sounds couldn't hide the treacherous screech of Irys's cabin door...

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Ta bonusová romantika se na mě podepsala víc, než bych čekala - vlezla mi i do běžného tématu.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Love without boundaries


After Clyntahn's 'Rakurai' succeeded and she sat at the deathbed of her husband, Prince Nahrmahn, Princess Ohlyvya felt as if someone ripped her heart out. But in this case, love got the chance to conquer death.
When Merlin 'resurected' Nahrman's personality in the virtual reality, she felt blessed beyond belief. She was again able to hold conversations with him, ask his opinion, see him.
And then the impossible happened. With the VR suit she could submerge herself into Nahrmahn's new reality and actually feel him again. Death couldn't reach into the depth of the electronic world.
Nahrmahn and Ohlyvya kissed.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Bring out the big guns


The shells and roundshot were drumming down at the walls of the redoubts. At first the impacts were heard just as soft thuds through the thick walls of dirt and wood. One of the shots found a gunport and slammed into gun no. 3, making it kick back, wounding almost everyone in its crew. But that was only one 'lucky' shot.
And then the Charisian batteries opened a returning fire. The kicks of their shots against the enemy entrenchments were far worse. The casualties in the enemy's artillery were almost total before the commander finaly gave the order to retreat.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

The War


The winters in Siddamark - especially in the mountains - were never easy.
Even in years when harvest was plentiful, getting enough food for winter to Glacierheart and other highland provinces was a challenging task under the best of conditions.
But this winter was different. The 'Sword of Schueler' drowned the crops in blood and fire. Most of the Republic was starving. Even so, those remaining loyal to the Protector were still fighting, holding against the oncoming tide of the Army of God.
When the Charisian help came, the hope brought by it glowed warmer than the first rays of spring sun.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

Customs of the powerful


It was a public secret - at least among the vicarate - that Zhaspahr Clyntahn liked to indulge himself, be it by food or by services of women of a specific profession. While the rumors, about the panoramatic windows of his suite overlooking whole Zion playing a great role in the latter of his indulgences, were persistant, they were never more than whispered speculations. After all, the windows of the Temple were miraculous - impossible to see through from the outside. And there were, after all, areas of the cruelest and most dangerous Vicar's life, that nobody wanted to know too much about.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Nevím, jestli lze pochopit reference bez znalosti fandomu. Ale snad se do tématu přece jen vlezu.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious



Sharleyan Ahrmahk rose from her window seat and crossed the room to the cradle where her daughter, Alanah Zhanyat Naimu just started crying. A tall man beat her to the crib and lifted the baby out.
“Thank you, Mer-Ahbraim. But I don’t think it will do much good,” the Empress watched the PICA of Nimue Alban cradle her tiny namesake, offering her a finger to suck on.
“See, all better, I’m good with ow-“ Ahbraim lifted the finger to his eyes, examining it.
“This would be nasty, if I weren’t a PICA. You should have told me she’s begun teething.”

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Ahbraim Zhevons je alter-ego Merlina Athrawese, vytvořené změnou vzhledu PICA. Umožňuje Merlinovi být "současně na více místech".

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious

At sea


Wywern sighted smoke shortly before noon.
The scout ship was on a patrol, not to engage anyone, just to gather intel and carry it ashore.
Thinking it was merchant ship in trouble, she went to investigate.
Seeing what it really was, she tried to run back to the shore.
Beating upwind, Wywern was slow. The smoke-spewing thing didn’t mind the wind.
Wywern’s crew started praying as it closed in, seeing its sides bristling with run-out cannons.
HMS Delthak passed, attacking the small craft with nothing but a stench of smoke and shrill sound of steam whistle carried by the wind.

Závěrečná poznámka: 

HMS Delthak je první "ironclad" - loď s kovovým pláštěm poháněná parním motorem - která kdy byla na Safeholdu vyrobena.

Obrázek uživatele Owlicious



This planet was to be the new, better Earth. But it needed to be wrangled under control, made habitable for human beings... in one word: terraformed. The fauna and flora were much more aggressive than anything on the old Terra was. The humans and other big predatory mammals ruled over the Earth - but here, even after all the work put into Safehold by Pei Shan-wei and her crews, one thing was clear: On this world, the rulers of the Earth will always play second fiddle. On this world the pinnacle of evolution had six legs and was very distinctly reptilian.


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