Hide It Well

Obrázek uživatele Tess
Úvodní poznámka: 



She was making a difference. The time needed for the transfer was just minutes now.
She was in the control room, seemingly shuffling papers around. She needs to hurry. How long will Psycho stay pleasant?
Speaking of the devil...
The door opened.
“You changed your hair?” Rebecca was sometimes stupid.
“The blonde didn’t really suit me. This is better.”
There was something disturbing about Psycho’s smile.
“Oh,” Rebecca said, plopping up on the desk and looked at him thoughtfully. Sometimes she was really stupid.
Risa on the other hand was not. She sat right on the USB.
Only seconds remained.


Obrázek uživatele Elluška

Blbou hraje výborně.
On si pořád barví vlasy, protože hledá něco, co vystihne jeho osobnost? No, tmavou z odbarvených jen tak nedostane. Nevím, proč mě to napadlo :)
Schválně v co čtenář doufá, jo? Doufá v hodně napjatý rozhovor, epickou Risa hlášku a portál na poslední chvíli :D

Obrázek uživatele Tess

O jé, tam je na obzoru velký drama, jen aby mě témata pustila! (Další vypadá nadějně...)

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